A b o u t   m e  

I am a Full-Stack web developer who is self-motivated, organized, and team-oriented. I am seeking a dynamic position where I can use my analytical and programming skills for developing quality software products. I have a strong work ethic, excellent communication skills, and a go-getter attitude. I'm open minded, love a challenge, and am always ready to learn something new.

I am a graduate of Elevation Academy, a full-stack web developer course. It's an industry-based intensive 3-month coding bootcamp which covered the entire MERN stack and beyond. To further sharpen my skills, I built a number of end-to-end projects from scratch while adhering to solid OOP principles and communicating with a number of external APIs.

My Current technical skill are

languages - main-JavaScript(ES5/6) and PHP Frameworks - React,Next.js,Vue, MobX, ReduxClient Side - HTML, CSS, Materialiez, BootStarp, TailwindServer Side & DataBase - Node.js Express, MongoDB, Mongoose,Tools - Gitithub,Bitbucket, working in collaboration in Github,Heroku, AWS-EC2

A fun fact about me is that I'm a self-taught freestyle frisbee pro. On the weekend, you'll find me playing on the beach. If you also like frisbee, check me out here! 📷

📝 Download my resume here